Thursday, July 25, 2013

To Blog or Not To Blog?

As you become more involved with reading the blogs of others, you might be thinking about starting your own.  Blogging is definitely an amazing example of the power of the web.  In just moments, you can share your thoughts with the world in ways that were almost impossible before computer technology.  There are some great benefits to blogging, but there are also some definite points to consider before you begin.  Here's some food for thought:

Decide on the AUTHOR!  Many teachers and administrators host their own blogs, sharing their reflections and tips for professional success.  Likewise, many teachers engage their students in the blogging process.  Engaging students in the blogging process is definitely a way to integrate some of the Common Core writing and digital standards for any content area.

Determine your PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE!  Like any other good writing, it's also important to determine the purpose and audience of your blog.  Do you want to share your class news with parents?  Do you want to reflect on your professional experiences as a teacher or administrator with educators worldwide?  Do you want your students to blog about their learning experiences to share with experts in the field?  The options are unlimited!  Visit your favorite blogs to determine what you like about their purpose and style.

Strive for FREQUENT posts!  Blogging requires more time than one might think.  Be sure to set some goals for how often you would like to post, and set a schedule to stay on track! The bottom line is that if the blog isn't updated, people will stop reading.  If you are using blogging with your students, be sure to build in plenty of time for students to brainstorm, write, and comment on one another's posts.

Be AWARE of what you can share!  While there are fair use guidelines that make it a little easier on educators, it's important to be mindful of Copyright law and Creative Commons guidelines if the work you are sharing is not your own.

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