Friday, July 5, 2013

Twitter Chats - Try one!

Here is your chance...this is day four or five depending on how often you have been online and it is time to branch out with your new found Twitter skills!

Find a conversation that is going on that is of interest to you.  There are many chats out there, ie this popular education hashtag listing.  To see when some of the conversations are scheduled, you can check this Twitter Hashtag Schedule.

Spend some time either in a live chat where you can add your thoughts or lurking aka "reading" through some ideas looking for new people to follow.  Don't forget to also post to #lpsconnects so everyone can view what you are learning!

A very popular education chat is EdChat.  This chat is every Tuesday at 11 am and 6 pm.  This is one chat we highly recommend you check out.  Thousands of educators across the country are having a conversation around a theme each week.  It is very interesting to watch and even more fun to participate!

New to Twitter chats?  Here are some tips for being successful in a live EdChat.

Missouri also has an EdChat available - see the information below:

The Twitter Chat for Missouri Educators!
#moedchat is taking a vacation! 
The next chat will be July 25. We will be discussing Teach Like a Pirate

One Last Thought...

Check your follower number today.  Has it increased this week?  Share your findings on our Google + community or leave a comment here!

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